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NLP Quiz
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What does NLP stand for?
A. Natural Learning Process
B.Neural Language Processing
C.Natural Language Processing
D.Neural Learning Process
Which of the following is NOT an NLP task?
A.Sentiment Analysis
B. Image Recognition
C. Named Entity Recognition
D.Machine Translation
What is the main purpose of sentiment analysis in NLP?
A.To translate text from one language to another
B.To summarize large documents
C.To determine the sentiment or emotion of text
D. To recognize named entities in text
In NLP, what does POS tagging stand for?
A. Part of Speech tagging
B.Position of Syntax tagging
C. Parsing of Sentences tagging
D.Principal Object Syntax tagging
Which algorithm is commonly used for topic modeling in NLP?
A.K-means clustering
B.Naive Bayes classifier
C.Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)
D.Support Vector Machine (SVM)
What is the primary objective of named entity recognition (NER) in NLP?
A. To classify the text into different categories
B. To identify and classify named entities in text
C. To correct spelling mistakes in text
D.To translate text from one language to another
Which of the following is a popular library for NLP in Python?
B. Pandas
C. Scikit-learn
D. NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit)
What does the term "word embedding" refer to in NLP?
A.A representation of words as vectors in a continuous vector space
B.The process of counting word frequencies in a text
C.A method for segmenting text into sentences
D.The process of converting text to speech
Which NLP task involves generating human-like text based on a given input?
A.Text classification
B.Text summarization
C. Text generation
D. Text clustering
Which model architecture is widely used for handling sequential data in NLP tasks?
A. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)
B.Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN)
C.Decision Trees
D.Random Forest
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